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Jean-Marie Gatin



Jean-Marie Gatin

After studying cinema at the University of Paris 8, Jean-Marie Gatin began directing in 2009 with the creation of short humorous formats, the filming of Parisian concerts and the production of television reports. In 2010, he began working on film sets as a decorator assistant or accessory assistant.
From 2013, he directed “Fumer Tue”, a docu-fiction emphasizing the spontaneity of the actor in a story of friendly inertia.
A year later, Jean-Marie begins to explore in his scripts the theme of isolation, whether it be a choice or a psychological hindrance. To this end, he is inspired by a short story by his brother Olivier Gatin and directed “Préambule”, a dark short film about the pain of a man who can no longer stand himself.
In 2017, he created the Racines Communes association in Cévennes, with the aim of establishing many artistic residences and an exhibition space. There, he created with Mélissa Martin the festival "Les Arts prennent Racines" which highlights young artistic creation from the region and elsewhere, and organizes video production and writing workshops with young lost people in order to introduce them to this profession.
In 2016 he met Anne, Lise and Aude Charrin with whom he has been working for four years to complete the production of the short film “The Secret Walls”.