Zornitsa Stoyanova (USA/BUL) is an award-winning performance artist, curator, writer, lighting and video designer based in Philadelphia, PA. A native of Bulgaria, she produces and presents both her own and other’s work under the name Here[begin] Dance.
Mylar reflective material and custom lighting are integral part of her most recent stage, video, and photography work. Focused on the female body, her visual art uses the body, manmade materials and the environment to create alien worlds, bringing forth ideas of otherness and alienation. In performance she researches gesture and emotion, seeking potential for meaning.
Her experimental dance films have been shown across the U.S. and in Mexico, Argentina, Uruguay, Bulgaria, Ireland and Bangladesh.
Zornitsa is also a supporter for a sustainable dance community and is deeply invested in helping further conversation and collaboration. She teaches improvisation technique for performance, dance on camera and composition and has done so in Philadelphia, France, Hungary and her native Bulgaria. Zornitsa writes occasionally for thINKingDANCE.net. www.herebegindance.com